「由零開始」- ep37 – 卡塔爾世界盃2022 – 加拿大隊介紹 | 百萬獎學金無人申請 | La Fontaine 隧道大維修

「由零開始」- ep37

逢星期三東岸時間晚上八時正現場直播! 卡塔爾世界盃2022 – 加拿大隊介紹 | 百萬獎學金無人申請 | La Fontaine 隧道大維修 | 二手買賣平台 簡介:加拿大廣東話節目 (聽啦)目標:最緊要開心, 提供吃、喝、玩、樂、時、事、新、聞片長:30 分鐘左右主持:多倫多 Billy | 滿地可 Brenda Share This:

Unboxing the Miele Countertop Coffee Machine


During the COVID-19 Pandemic, we need to stay home and keep social distancing. Unfortunately, few days before the lockdown, my old coffee machine was dead! So, I did some research and have decided to go for this coffee machine. This is just an unboxing video. I will do a little demonstration on the machine. Stay tune! Share This:

Places for Ordering DIM SUM in Toronto

During this COVID-19 Pandemic, some of us are craving for dim sum. To be honest, in this period of time, we ate dim sum more than ever in our normal life due to the convenience of the delivery service. All dim sums are frozen when they come, we only need to steam them for about 10 – 15 mins (according to your type of dim sum). Here are few places that you can order dim sum. Let me know if you know more places and I can add it into…